The details we ask for on our site, such as: contact details of name, phone and email are used by us to offer the services of the advertising company only. The offers can be made by phone calls, sending SMS messages, emails, WhatsApp and similar electronic means.
The information received will not be given to a third party without the express permission of the customer. It is important to note that we use the services of third-party providers for the technical execution of e-mail mailings in messengers and a customer management system so that the data is transferred to these providers only for advertising to the advertising company.
We use the automatic collection of information for statistical purposes and the delivery of personalized advertising ads to the client by the following means:
Google Analytics for the purpose of analyzing the activity of website visitors.
Pixel conversions for the purpose of testing the effectiveness of advertising from media sources such as Google ads, Facebook ads, organic traffic, etc.
Google and Facebook remarketing tags for displaying personalized ads.
Use of cookies
When you visit our website or landing pages, cookies are installed on the device you are using that allow you to adjust and offer you products that may be of interest to you.
Some of the cookies we use originate from a third party, the advertising services of Facebook, Google and social networks.

In order not to receive cookies, you can block this option in your browser:

To remove Google Analytics jobs –

To remove Google’s advertising services / personalization of ads –

For information on Google’s use of cookies –

To remove/control Facebook’s ad service –